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Our precision is what sets us apart. We can consistently achieve edge eveness to within 0.0005 inches or better. We worked with Edge Specialties to produce the first figure skate HDI (Hollow Depth Indicator) capable of measuring edge evenness and hollow depth accurately on non-parallel blades (side honed, tapered, parabolic) such as Wilson Gold Seals. This gauge is different than a standard HDI which is designed for clamping to a parallel surface. We also use digital magnification imaging to analyse blade evenness and to double check our sharpening techniques and equipment setup.
Our grinding wheels are manually balanced to help achive a chatter free polished finish.
We are proud to own the 1st and currently only micrometer driven ROH wheel dressing system (Developed for Trusted Edge by Sid Broadbent / ROH Super Groover). This provides unmatched control of ROH and bite angle.